Thursday, April 19, 2007

Global warming

Apparently the reason the scorpions are starting to come out and about is because we're now in the height of the summer months here in Nicaragua. And boy is it hot! If I thought I was sweating before that was nothing to what it's like now. I sweat morning noon and night... everyone suffers from nappy rash somewhere (mine is on my tummy for some reason), and anything cotton just gets soaked through so that after sitting in a chair for 5 minutes you always have a lovely sweat patch all over your bum. And the dust is quite something too. I'm actually just recovering from a sort of flu/cold sort of throaty/chesty infection that has had me in bed for a few days. This sort of thing is doing the rounds at the moment because of all the dust everywhere which goes straight to your chest, plus all the kids you're dealing with who always have some bug or other. And it was pretty odd having a fever when the air temperature is above body temperature anyway. But I'm very much on the mend now and I only had one sick day off work.

And yes, the title of this post is relevant, because the two-season (dry and wet) climate here appears to be in turmoil this year, possibly due to global warming. We had two torrential rainstorms last week (very unexpectedly), and my Semana Santa trip to Rio San Juan was also unseasonably wet and cool. All very strange... So please remember to use your cars less and recycle more, because what's going on in London and the UK is having serious effects even over on this far side of the world.

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